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Compare iLinux OS to other Computer Operating Systems
FEATURES iLinux OSmacOSWindows
Preinstalled Applications500+30+30+
Does not need Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware
Built-in Autonomous Emergency Live OS
Can Run FAST on Old Computers
Can Run from USB Stick by Default
Can Run from Memory Card by Default
Can Run from External Hard Disk by Default
Automatic System Updates without Restarting
Dynamic Virtual Memory
Built-in System Control Applications130+ 40-100+
Built-in Interface Themes150+2 2
Built-in Interface Icon Themes251 1
Built-in Interface Cursor Themes1101 12
Built-in Wallpapers750+20+20+
Built-in Fonts2000+100+100+
Built-in Google Fonts Browser & Installer
Built-in Extra Content
Built-in Semantic Folders & Colored Folders
Editable Keyboard Shortcuts
Tabbed File Manager
Hierarchical Global Menu
Extended Right-Click Menu
Easy Access
iLinux Start
Preemptive Operating System Auto Repair & Optimization
Auto Disk Health Check
Can Read Mac Disks
Can Read Windows Disks
Can Read Linux Disks
Built-in System Server Web Access with GUI
Built-in Apple Time Machine Backup Server with GUI
Built-in Windows Samba File Sharing Server with GUI
Built-in File Server with GUI
Built-in Public Cloud Server with GUI
Built-in Apache/Abyss Web Server with GUI
Built-in MariaDB SQL Server with GUI & phpMyAdmin & Adminer
Built-in Disk Cloning/Backup/Sync Software
Built-in One Click Secure Delete & Shred
Built-in One Click ISO Creator
Built-in One Click PDF Creator
Built-in One Click EPUB to PDF/TEXT Converter
Built-in One Click Animated Gif Creator
Built-in One Click SVG to PNG Converter
Built-in One Click Image Converter/Resizer/Rotator
Built-in One Click Image Effects:

- Circle Mask
- Drop Shadow
- Polaroid Frame
- Rounded Corners
...and many more await you to discover them in iLinux OS!

Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. All Copyrights, Logos, Trademarks and Intellectual Properties in iLinux OS and in this website are property of their respective owner.

All the rest Copyright 2015-2023 AstratheonGeorge Dimitrakopoulos and iLinux OS. All Rights Reserved.